Appendix II – P&L of Main Infrastructure Assets


407 ETR

(CAD Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 1,495 1,327 12.7 %
EBITDA 1,284 1,139 12.7 %
EBITDA margin 85.9 % 85.8 %
EBIT 1,187 1,039 14.2 %
EBIT margin 79.4 % 78.3 %
Financial results -412 -447 7.8 %
Profit before tax 775 592 30.9 %
Corporate income tax -208 -156 -32.6 %
Net Income 567 435 30.3 %
Contribution to Ferrovial equity accounted result (EUR million) 154 124 24.6 %


(USD Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 193 159 20.9 %
Adjusted EBITDA* 158 128 23.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 81.9 % 80.1 %
Adjusted EBIT* 130 101 28.2 %
Adjusted EBIT margin* 67.2 % 63.4 %
Financial results -80 -81 0.8 %
Net Income 48 20 145.3 %
Contribution to Ferrovial** 24 10 138.9 %

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
**Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 54.6% stake


(USD Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 289 243 19.0 %
Adjusted EBITDA* 255 213 19.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 88.3 % 87.9 %
Adjusted EBIT* 227 185 22.7 %
Adjusted EBIT margin* 78.5 % 76.1 %
Financial results -50 -52 4.1 %
Net Income 176 133 32.7 %
Contribution to Ferrovial** 102 79 29.2 %


*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
**Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 62.97% stake.


(USD Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 234 168 39.4 %
Adjusted EBITDA* 195 139 40.3 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 83.1 % 82.6 %
Adjusted EBIT* 156 115 35.0 %
Adjusted EBIT margin* 66.4 % 68.6 %
Financial results -59 -39 -49.4 %
Net Income 96 76 26.8 %
Contribution to Ferrovial** 48 38 23.5 %

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
**Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 53.67% stake.


(USD Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 91 61 50.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA* 66 38 72.4 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 72.0% 62.9 %
Adjusted EBIT*


30 83.2 %
Adjusted EBIT margin* 59.8% 49.2 %
Financial results -8 -11 24.2 %
Net Income 46 19 147.2 %
Contribution to Ferrovial** 31 12 n.s.

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
**Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 72.24% stake.


(EUR Million) 2023
Revenues 167
Adjusted EBITDA* 129
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 76.9 %
Adjusted EBIT* 70
Adjusted EBIT margin* 41.9 %
Financial results -110
Net Income -40
Contribution to Ferrovial** -20

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
**Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 55.704% stake.


(EUR million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 828 802 3.2 %
Adjusted EBITDA* 406 427 -4.9 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 49.1 % 53.2 %
Adjusted EBIT* 301 330 -9.0 %
Adjusted EBIT margin* 36.3 % 41.2 %
Financial results -182 -186 2.5 %
Profit before tax 95 135 -29.5 %
Corporate income tax -34 -42 20.3 %
Net Income 61 92 -33.7 %
Contribution to Ferrovial equity accounted result (EUR million) 14 22 -34.9 %

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.


Heathrow SP & HAH

Revenues Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA margin
(GBP million) 2023 2022 VAR. 2023 2022 VAR. 2023 2022 VAR. (bps)
Heathrow SP 3,687 2,913 26.6% 2,228 1,684 32.3% 60.4% 57.8% 262
Exceptionals & adjs 0 0 n.s. 4 20 -80.7% n.s. n.s. -561245.3
Total HAH 3,687 2,913 26.6% 2,232 1,704 31.0% 60.5% 58.5% 203


(GB Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 3,687 2,913 26.6%
Adjusted EBITDA 2,232 1,704 31.0%
Adjusted EBITDA margin 60.5% 58.5%
Depreciation & impairments -754 -795 5.1%
EBIT 1,478 909 62.5%
EBIT margin 40.1% 31.2%
Financial results -1,012 -687 -47.2%
Profit before tax 465 222 110.0%
Corporate income tax -127 -54 -136.8%
Net income 338 168 101.4%
Contribution to Ferrovial equity accounted result (EUR million) 0 0 n.s.


(GB Million) 2023 2022 VAR.
Revenues 198 167 18.9%
Adjusted EBITDA* 67 47 42.0%
Adjusted EBITDA* margin 33.8% 28.3%
Depreciation & impairments -37 -36 -3.4%
Adjusted EBIT* 30 11 166.6%
Adjusted EBIT margin* 15.0% 6.7%
Financial results -51 -42 -21.7%
EBT -21 -31 30.9%
Corporate income tax -1 2 -178.8%
Net income -22 -29 23.0%
Contribution to Ferrovial equity accounted result (EUR million) 0 0 n.s.

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report


(EUR Million) 2023
Revenues 71
Adjusted EBITDA* 55
Adjusted EBITDA margin* 78.1%
Depreciation & impairments -19
Adjusted EBIT* 36
Adjusted EBIT margin* 51.1%
Financial results -34
Profit before tax 2
Corporate income tax -19
Net income -17
Contribution to Ferrovial** -10

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.
** Globally consolidated asset, contribution to net profit (EUR million). 60.0% stake