Ferrovial in 2023

Social Value


Ferrovial maintains a strong commitment to society, especially to local communities. Its aim is not only to respect, but also to support and promote human rights in order to prevent and mitigate any potential negative impact, but also to achieve a positive impact on society. To reinforce this impact, it has an intense community investment activity that also drives its contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


Human rights are a fundamental part of the global sustainability strategy. One year after the renewal of the Human Rights Policy in 2022, Ferrovial has continued to expand its approach to human rights by updating its internal regulations on Personal Data Protection and approving a new Diversity and Inclusion Policy to guarantee equal treatment and ensure fair conditions free of any discrimination in the company and in all its stakeholders. In this way, Ferrovial continues to update its firm commitment to the protection and respect for human rights throughout the company’s value chain.

Ferrovial’s human rights objective is not only to identify, prevent and mitigate any potential negative impact, but also to support and promote human rights. To this end, Ferrovial has a Human Rights Policy, revised in 2023, aligned with the main international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises and the regulations of the International Labor Organization. As it is expected, it is also aligned with the internal regulations linked to the Ferrovial’s Code of Ethics.







Human rights governance and management model

One of the pillars of Ferrovial’s strategy is to guarantee equal treatment and avoid any type of discrimination, as evidenced by the approval of the new Diversity and Inclusion Policy. In addition, the III Equality Plan is in force, which was approved in 2022 for a period of four years and consists of 84 measures aimed at promoting equal opportunities between women and men.

In line with the plan and the policy, Ferrovial has an internal Protocol for the Prevention of Workplace and Sexual Harassment. In addition, since 2013 Ferrovial, in line with SDG 5, has joined the project “Companies for a society free of gender-based violence”, promoted by the Government of Spain. To reinforce this commitment and raise awareness and train both employees and society, several initiatives against this social scourge are carried out throughout the year. On November 25, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, an internal campaign was launched to remind employees of the protocol for action against gender- based violence, and banners were displayed in different emblematic works with the slogan “Let’s build a world free of gender-based violence”.

As part of the promotion of diversity, Ferrovial has established agreements with organizations specialized in promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the different countries in which it operates.

Governing body Regulations Tools
Human rights Audit and Control Committee

Sustainability Committee

Compliance and Risk Department

  • Human Rights Policy
  • Code of Business Ethics
  • Purchasing Policy
  • Third Party Ethical Integrity Due Diligence Policy
  • Supplier Code of Ethics
  • Anti-Corruption Policy
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Information Security Policy
  • Stakeholder Engagement Policy
  • Ethics Channel
  • Risk identification and assessment process Ferrovial Risk Management (FRM)
  • Online third-party analysis tool
  • Supplier Ethical Integrity Due Diligence Procedure
  • Due Diligence Procedure for Selection and Hiring of Candidates
  • Personal Data Protection Regulation
  • Harassment Prevention Protocol
Labor rights Audit and Control Committee

Compliance and Risk Department

  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Flexibility and Conciliation Policy
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Supplier Code of Ethics
  • Equality Plan
  • Supplier Ethical Integrity Due Diligence Procedure
  • Supplier 360° tool
  • Ethics Channel

The company’s Human Rights Policy makes visible the commitment to transparency in all matters relating to the protection of human rights, and makes explicit Ferrovial’s commitment to the right to digital disconnection, respect for confidentiality and the right to intimacy and privacy, and analyzes the implications for the company in its relations with all its stakeholders:

  • Employees: child labor, forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, sexual harassment, work-life balance, digital disconnection, right of association, etc.
  • Customers: quality, safety and health standards.
  • Communities: rights of indigenous and local communities, minorities and vulnerable populations and environmental protection.
  • Suppliers, contractors and partners: due diligence procedures in selection processes and repair and remediation of negative impacts.

The policy is available to all stakeholders. However, employees and executives in particular are responsible for ensuring compliance in all Ferrovial activities. Periodic training is organized to reinforce knowledge of some of the policy’s commitments. In 2023, an internal campaign was relaunched to raise awareness of the Human Rights Policy, identifying it with one of Ferrovial’s five values: integrity. These communication actions are reinforced with periodic courses on the Code of Ethics and anti-corruption, which include specific modules to understand the possible human rights implications of the employee’s activity.


measures to promote equal opportunities

Human and labor rights throughout the value chain

One of the pillars of Ferrovial’s commitment to human rights is safety throughout its value chain, which is why the company strives to create a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and contractors, and promotes the safety of its infrastructure users.

In addition to ensuring safety, Ferrovial pays special attention to its commitment to the preservation of labor rights. The company rejects any type of child or forced labor in any form, guarantees equal opportunities and non-discrimination, protection against harassment, the right to strike, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in all countries in which it operates. There is a reinforced commitment to work-life balance with specific measures detailed in the equality plan. Its employees are protected by the labor regulations of the different territories. In addition, 62.5% of Ferrovial’s workforce is covered by collective bargaining agreements.

Furthermore, Ferrovial annually verifies that the remuneration of its employees is above the Living Wage in countries with the highest activity (Spain, United Kingdom, Chile, USA and Poland). For this purpose, the company uses Living Wage data established by the renowned “Living Wage Foundation”, which considers as a reference the following factors associated with the basic needs of any household: food, water supply, housing, transport, clothing, health, education and payment of taxes, among others. The analysis carried out by the company confirms that all its employees have a Living Wage in accordance with the situation of the country in which they work.

One of the human rights key issues is the prevention of new forms of slavery. The policy approved in 2022 specifically addresses this issue. In addition, the company’s commitment is developed in the Modern Slavery Statement of each of Ferrovial’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Australia. These statements formalize the commitment to prevent any type of human rights violation, with special attention to the different forms of exploitation that may occur, including prevention mechanisms and channels for reporting if necessary.


covered by collective bargaining agreements

To extend this commitment throughout the value chain and prevent possible violations of the Code of Business Ethics, the company has due diligence procedures for the ethical integrity of third parties, suppliers and candidates. In 2023, the Supplier Code of Ethics was revised and renewed to align it with the latest policies approved by the company. The Supplier Code of Ethics includes, among its principles, respect for human rights and the abolition of child labor. The procedure establishes the general criteria for the ethical integrity due diligence process in the selection of a supplier and its follow-up.

In addition to these preventive mechanisms, Ferrovial has other tools for continuous monitoring once an agreement is formalized with a third party or supplier. In the case of suppliers, the company has the Supplier 360 tool, which automatically scans for controversies about suppliers with whom it has a commercial relationship. For other types of agreements, periodic monitoring is carried out through an automatic search for adverse news in the national and international media, as well as in public sanctions lists.

In relation to the due diligence procedure for ethical integrity of third parties, it must be applied before reaching a collaboration, partnership or any other type of agreement with a third party (non-supplier). It aims to prevent attitudes and actions contrary to human rights in relations with third parties. To facilitate compliance with it, an online tool was implemented in 2021 to ease the process. In 2023, 506 third parties have been analyzed, and 5.3% have had a high final risk assessment.

Dialogue and communication, key aspects

Ferrovial has an Ethics Channel available to employees and other stakeholders that incorporates and makes visible several points related to human rights to facilitate the identification of people who are suffering a situation of violation of rights.

In addition, to facilitate dialogue with local stakeholders, the works and concessions establish specific dialogue channels to bring them closer and make them more accessible to local communities. The communications received are classified according to their nature and all of them are managed.

Ferrovial has internal communication channels to facilitate a collaborative and dynamic work environment that responds to the company’s needs. In 2023, the intranet was renewed, creating a new platform common to the entire company, which in turn allows specific messages to be launched in each geography, favoring communication and interaction with employees, adapting messages to their needs. An example of the application of this segmentation is the different campaigns and training on healthy work habits and environments in the different geographies. In total, Ferrovial’s intranet registered more than 615,000 sessions and 846,000 page views in 2023.

Dialogue with stakeholders to advance in the preservation of human rights is continuous. The company participates in several forums and working groups on human rights and due diligence with other companies, universities and third sector organizations such as the Forética Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Human Rights Lab of the Seres Foundation, the Human Rights Workshop of the Business Observatory for Inclusive Growth, the Executive Committee of the Global Compact Network, the CEO Alliance for Diversity initiative or the Diversity Charter, a European initiative within the framework of the European Union’s anti-discrimination directives. As part of this ongoing dialogue, since 2021 Ferrovial has been involved in a program to analyze and identify modern forms of slavery in the construction sector led by Sustainalytics.

Diligent in the protection of human rights

The company operates in countries with stable legislation and low risk of human rights violations. Around 99% of its turnover is obtained in Spain, USA, Canada, Poland, the UK, Chile and Australia, all OECD member countries. Despite this, the company remains vigilant and has the appropriate mechanisms in place to prevent possible risks related to human rights.

Ferrovial has a set of tools that promote the protection and respect for human rights to ensure due diligence on human rights in the company’s activities. In this regard, Ferrovial periodically evaluates potential risks to human rights within the framework of the global risk identification and assessment process, called Ferrovial Risk Management (FRM). FRM makes it possible to identify and prioritize risk events according to their probability and impact. The list of risks defines 8 categories related to human rights, which in 2023 have registered 46 potential risks in all the company’s projects, most of them related to data protection or safety (93%). Most of the risks identified are slight or moderate (98%). All of them are monitored with controls in place to mitigate or eliminate the risk, either its impact or its probability of occurrence. Apart from the risks identified, no relevant human rights violations have been reported in the company in the last two years.

Similarly, the company has a procedure for the approval of capital allocation operations, so that the analysis of all corporate operations carried out considers whether they may undermine Ferrovial’s ethical principles, with special attention to human rights, social, good governance and environmental aspects.


Ferrovial considers community investment a strategic instrument to boost its contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also its mission established in the Horizon 24 Plan. To achieve sustainable infrastructure management, society and the communities in which they are located must be fair and inclusive. This is therefore the goal of Ferrovial’s social programs: to promote a more equitable development of society by supporting people in vulnerable situations.

Ferrovial has established three pillars on which its programs revolve: the development of local communities, responding to the needs identified through dialogue with the communities, thus reinforcing the positive impact of its business activities; supporting the development of sustainable infrastructure to serve the most disadvantaged; and involving its employees, with the aim of turning them into active players in Ferrovial’s commitment to the community.

In total, 4.7 million euros have been invested in 2023 (4.8 million euros in 2022), of which 3.8 million euros (3.94 millions euros in 2022) correspond to monetary contributions while 0.75 million euros (0.71 million euros in 2022) are the result of 24,052 hours of volunteering contributed by 1,506 employees. This involvement multiplies the impact on the community while enhancing the skills and the feeling of being part of a common project.

The focus on being a stakeholder in the local community means that throughout the year the company collaborates on multiple initiatives, all of which are grouped primarily into three main programs:

Basic infrastructures for disadvantaged communities

In line with the global strategy of promoting sustainable infrastructures, Ferrovial supports the development of infrastructures that provide disadvantaged people with access to basic rights such as water, health and food.

Since 2011, Ferrovial has been committed to SDG 6, access to water and sanitation for vulnerable communities in Latin America, Africa and Asia, through its Social Infrastructure Program. In total, it has already promoted 37 projects that have improved access to water in decent conditions for 336,255 people in 12 countries. Employees are involved in this program through high added value volunteering. Since the start of the program, 144 professionals have dedicated at least two weeks of work traveling to the projects.

In 2023, the program has developed three projects in Rwanda, Colombia and India, in collaboration with ICLI, Action Against Hunger and Fundación Esperanza y Alegría, improving access to water for 50,042 people.

For more than 10 years, Ferrovial has also been supporting the improvement of infrastructures of soup kitchens and food banks in Spain to guarantee access to food for the most vulnerable in Spain, contributing to SDG 2, zero hunger. Ferrovial has invested more than 1,097,000 euros in the 53 interventions carried out. In 2023, it collaborated with CESAL in the complete refurbishment of the San Cristóbal market in Madrid.

In Poland, the company supports the improvement of hospital infrastructures, in particular pediatric wards with the Strefa Rodzika (parent zone) program. In the 10 years of its existence, 42 parent zones have been created, more than 300 employees have been involved as volunteers, and 52,500 people use the new zones every year, facilitating faster recovery of hospitalized children and creating more comfortable conditions for them and their families.

Access to education

Education is the key to building a strong society. Ferrovial contributes to the achievement of SDG 4, with a special focus on promoting STEM vocations in a balanced way, placing special emphasis on working with girls, who have less presence in this area. This commitment is reflected in several actions in the main countries in which it operates.

In Spain, Ferrovial has been collaborating with the Princess of Girona Foundation since 2016 in the Generación Talento initiative, a mentoring program in which company professionals accept the challenge of accompanying young people between the ages of 18 and 30 for a year to help improve their employability. So far 86 professionals have been volunteer mentors. Also in Spain, the company has been collaborating since 2017 with the Junior Achievement Foundation’s OrientaT program, in which volunteers from the company give workshops in educational centers to awaken STEM vocations among students.

In 2023, Ferrovial has joined the Women and Engineering Excellence mentoring program of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAI), as one of the initiatives included in its Diversity and Inclusion plan. The aim of this program is for professionals with a technical profile to share their experience and points of view with outstanding female students in STEM careers who are about to finish their studies, to facilitate their incorporation into the labor market.

In the United Kingdom, the company supports several actions focused on schools in the communities near the company’s activities, with employee volunteering as a common denominator. In 2023, 271 employees took part in educational activities to bring children and young people into contact with engineering leaders. Support is also provided to university students to help them make the transition to the labor market.

In line with this strategy, in the United States the company collaborates with schools with educational programs focused on fostering STEM vocations through programs such as the TEXpress STEM Scholarship and Teacher Grant, which in 2023 benefited five educational districts. In addition, for the second consecutive year, LBJ and NTE partnered with the Tackle Tomorrow Foundation and Dallas ISD to hold a camp with interactive STEM training for 20 students in which 16 Ferrovial professionals participated.

Since 2009, the Domofon ICE program in Poland has been promoting the safety of children in schools, also involving employees.

Responding to social emergencies with the help of employees

Ferrovial’s commitment to responding to humanitarian crises dates back to the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Unfortunately, its response and mobilization capacity has been put to the test in recent years with the social and health crisis generated by COVID-19 and the one caused by the war in Ukraine. But the company is also alert to the day-to-day social crises taking place in local communities to help achieve a socially integrated society. Most of the initiatives are carried out by employees who get involved on a voluntary basis.

One of the actions in which this commitment is embodied is the support to food banks in the United States, with initiatives such as San Antonio Food Bank Drive, food collections for various food banks in Georgia, Food Drive and Food for Others in Virginia, Fighting Hunger in North Carolina or TEXpress Drive Away Hunger Campaign in Texas, which in 2023 has supported the Tarrant Areas Food Bank and the North Texas Food Bank.

In Spain, the Stronger Together Program, in place since 2005, allows employees to contribute and also choose which projects are supported each year, responding to needs both in Spain and in developing countries. Since its launch, funding has been provided to 47 projects with a joint investment by employees and the company (matching the employees’ contribution) of more than 2 million euros. In 2023, employees decided to allocate their contributions to the projects “A matter of urgency: the welfare of our elderly” with the Gil Gayarre Foundation in Madrid, another project to incorporate technology for sclerosis patients in Murcia, and a program for the prevention and treatment of child malnutrition in Cameroon with the Recover Foundation.

Finally, employees in the United Kingdom and the United States did not want to forget the children who are going through very difficult times because they are sick with cancer. In the United States, they chose to support Saint Jude’s Hospital in Memphis for children and cancer patients, which treats everyone regardless of their resources, and in the United Kingdom, the Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund, which works directly with the families of sick children, providing services tailored to their needs with emotional, financial and logistical support.