(EUR million)

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW Cash flows of ex-infrastructure project companies Cash flows of infrastructure project companies Intercompany eliminations
Adjusted EBITDA










Dividends from projects 324 741 0 -417
Other cash flows from (used in) operating activities 119 154 -36 0
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities excluding tax payments 1,433 946 904 -417
Tax payments -170 -155 -15 0
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 1,263 791 890 -417
Investments -654 -454 -310 111
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 185 228 -36 -6
Divestments 43 43 0 0
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities -426 -184 -347 104
Activity cash flow 837 607 543 -313
Interest paid -432 -83 -355 6
Ferrovial shareholder remuneration -250 -250 0 0
Scrip dividend -136 -136 0 0
Treasury   share   repurchase -114 -114 0 0
Other shareholder remuneration for subsidiary minorities -377 -51 -743 417
Other cash flows from (used in) financing activities -246 -761 626 -111
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities -1,304 -1,146 -471 313
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents 160 161 -1 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to consolidation scope changes -34 0 -34 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents -341 -378 37 0
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 5,130 4,962 168 0
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end 4,789 4,585 204 0

(EUR million)

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW Cash flows of ex-infrastructure project companies Cash flows of infrastructure project companies Intercompany
Adjusted EBITDA 883 228 655 0
Dividends from projects 284 475 0 -191
Other cash flows from (used in) operating activities -82 -47 -35 0
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities excluding tax payments 1,085 656 620 -191
Tax payments -82 -91 9 0
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 1,002 565 629 -191
Investments -1,226 -856 -784 414
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 65 5 64 -4
Divestments 429 429 0 0
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities -731 -421 -720 410
Activity cash flow 271 143 -92 219
Interest paid -329 -44 -289 4
Ferrovial shareholder remuneration -578 -578 0 0
Scrip     dividend -132 -132 0 0
Treasury   share   repurchase -445 -445 0 0
Other shareholder remuneration for subsidiary minorities -161 -67 -285 191
Other cash flows from (used in) financing activities 750 549 616 -414
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities -317 -140 42 -219
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents -283 -289 7 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to consolidation scope changes 4 0 4 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations -81 -81 0 0
Change in cash and cash equivalents -407 -367 -40 0
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 5,536 5,329 207 0
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end 5,130 4,962 168 0


Cash flows from (used in) operating and investing activities

The ex-infrastructure cash flows from (used in) operating and investing activities are as follows:

2023 (EUR million) Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Total
Toll Roads proyects** 704 -66 638
Airports proyects** 6 -245 -239
Construction 390 -71 319
Services 0 0 0
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility -3 0 -3
Others*** -152 -29 -181
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 0 228 228
Total excluding tax payments 946 -184 762
Tax payments -155 0 -155
Total 791 -184 607

**Cash flows from operating activities in Toll Roads and Airports refers to dividends


2022 (EUR million) Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Total
Toll Roads proyects** 388 -339 50
Airports proyects** 10 -186 -176
Construction 208 -92 116
Services 83 297 380
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility 28 -53 -25
Others*** -60 -55 -115
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 0 5 5
Total excluding tax payments 656 -421 235
Tax payments -91 0 -91
Total 565 -421 143

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

At December 31st, 2023, ex-infrastructure cash flows from (used in) operating activities totaled EUR 946 million (before tax), compared to EUR 656 million in 2022, impacted by higher dividends from Toll Roads, including the first dividend distribution from NTE35W (EUR 251 million), as well as by a higher contribution from the Construction Business Division in Spain and Poland.

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 2023 2022
Toll Roads proyects** 704 388
Airports proyects** 6 10
Construction 390 208
Services 0 83
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility -3 28
Others*** -152 -60
Total excluding tax payments 946 656
Tax payments -155 -91
Total 791 565

**Cash flows from operating activities in Toll Roads and Airports refers to dividends
***Other includes the operating cash flow from Corporate Business, Airports & Toll Roads headquarters, along with the Energy Infrastructure and Mobility business/Services.

Breakdown of cash flow from Construction:

Construction (EUR million) 2023 2022
Adjusted EBITDA* 218 176
Adj. EBITDA infrastructure projects 7 6
Adj. EBITDA ex-infrastructure projects 211 170
Dividends from projects 0 12
Other Cash Flows from (used in) operating activities (ex Tax payments ex infrastructure projects) 179 26
Construction Ex Infrastructure Cash Flows from (used in) operating activities Ex Tax payments 390 208

Dividends received from projects reached EUR 741 million in 2023 (EUR 475 million in 2022).

(EUR million) 2023 2022
Toll Roads 704 388
Airports 6 10
Services 0 5
Construction 0 12
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility 30 60
Others 0 0
Total 741 475

Dividends from Energy Infrastructure and Mobility projects reached EUR 30 million in 2023 including EUR 11 million from Serveo and EUR 18 million related to an intercompany loan repayment following the refinancing process with bank debt at Berrocal photovoltaic plant. In 2022, the EUR 60 million dividend was mostly related to the extraordinary dividend from Transchile (EUR 51 million) upon the closing of its refinancing.

Dividends from Toll Roads projects amounted to EUR 704 million in 2023 (EUR 388 million in 2022), including the first dividend distribution from NTE 35W (EUR 251 million).

Toll Roads Dividends (EUR million) 2023 2022
407 ETR 281 237
LBJ 37 31
NTE 109 92
NTE 35W 251 0
IRB 1 2
Irish toll roads 2 3
Portuguese toll roads 1 2
Australian toll roads 9 4
Spanish toll roads 8 12
Others 6 5
Total 704 388


Dividends from Airports projects were EUR 6 million from Doha airport maintenance contract in 2023 (EUR 10 million in 2022).

Airports Dividends (EUR million) 2023 2022
HAH 0 0
AGS 0 0
FMM 6 8
Others 0 2
Total 6 10

Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report (page 262)

Cash flows from (used in) investing activities

2023 (EUR million) INVESTMENTS DIVESTMENTS Cash flows from (used in) investing activities
Toll Roads -98 32 -66
Airports -245 0 -245
Construction -77 6 -71
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility -21 20 0
Others -14 -15 -29
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 228 0 228
Total -226 43 -184
2022 (EUR million) INVESTMENTS DIVESTMENTS Cash flows from (used in) investing activities
Toll Roads -473 134 -339
Airports -186 0 -186
Construction -97 5 -92
Services -19 316 297
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility -53 0 -53
Others -28 -27 -55
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows 5 0 5
Total -850 429 -421

The cash flows from (used in) investing activities in 2023 (EUR -184 million) include:

  • Investments reached EUR -226 million in 2023 (EUR -850 million in 2022), most noteworthy higher equity invested in the I-66 project in 2022, partially offset by higher equity invested in NTO in 2023 and higher interest received.
  • Divestments reached EUR 43 million in 2023 (EUR 429 million in 2022), largely linked Azores toll road sale. In 2022, mostly related with the finalization of the Services division sale (EUR 316 million) and the divestment of Ausol (EUR 111 million) and Algarve (EUR 23 million).

Cash flows from (used in) financing activities

  • Shareholder remuneration cash flow: EUR -250 million in 2023,(EUR -578 million in 2022), including EUR -136 million from the scrip dividend and EUR -114 million from the treasury share repurchase including the share buyback program (EUR62 million) along with the discretionary shares purchased (EUR 52 million).
  • Interest paid reached EUR -83 million in 2023 (EUR -44 million in 2022).
  • Other cash flows from (used in) financing activities reached EUR -761 million in 2023, mostly as a result of the repurchase of the hybrid bond (EUR 511 million).


Cash flows from (used in) operating activities

As regards cash flows for companies that own infrastructure project concessions, these primarily include revenues from those companies that are currently in operation, though they also include VAT refunds and payments corresponding to projects currently in the construction phase.

The following table shows a breakdown of cash flows from (used in) operating activities from infrastructure projects.

(EUR million) 2023 2022
Toll Roads 854 583
Others 35 45
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 890 629

This was primarily driven by the opening to traffic of I-66 in November 2022, partially offset by the positive evolution of the other of Managed Lanes and the higher contribution from Dalaman Airport, that is consolidated since June 2022.

Cash flows from (used in) investing activities

The following table shows a breakdown of the Cash flows from (used in) investing activities from infrastructure projects, mainly payments made in respect of capital expenditure investments over the year.

This change was primarily driven by the capital expenditures carried out in I-66 and NTE35W in 2022.

(EUR million) 2023 2022
LBJ -4 -2
NTE -51 -8
NTE 35W** -75 -247
I-77 -2 -17
I-66 -95 -436
Portuguese toll roads -2 -1
Spanish toll roads -13 -4
Others 0 0
Total toll roads -242 -715
Others -77 -94
Total projects -319 -809
Equity Subsidy 9 25
Interest received and other investing activities Cash flows -36 64
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities -347 -720


**NTE35W includes the NTE3C segment’s construction that opened to traffic in June 2023.

Cash flows from (used in) financing activities

Cash flows from (used in) financing activities includes the payment of dividends and the repayment of equity by concession-holding companies to their shareholders, along with the payments for share capital increases received by these companies. In the case of concession holders which are fully integrated within Ferrovial, these amounts represent 100% of the amounts paid out and received by the concession-holding companies, regardless of the percentage share that the Company holds in such concessions. No dividend or Shareholder Funds’ repayment is included for equity-accounted companies.

The interest cash flow refers to the interest paid by the concession-holding companies, together with other fees and costs closely related to the acquisition of financing. The cash flow for these items relates to interest costs for the period, along with any other item that represents a direct change in the net debt amount for the period.

(EUR million) 2023 2022
Spanish toll roads -46 -44
US toll roads -253 -213
Portuguese toll roads -12 -11
Other toll roads -28 0
Total toll roads -339 -272
Other -16 -16
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities -355 -289

*Non-IFRS financial measure. For the definition and reconciliation of the most directly comparable IFRS measure, refer to Alternative Performance Measures of the Integrated Annual Report.